Рік тому я вже писав про фінансові особливості "азіатської моделі" - http://econoblog.com.ua/2010/07/finansovye-osobennosti-vostochnoaziatskoj-ekonomicheskoj-modeli . Крім усього іншого, мова тоді йшла про інверсному відношенні між процентною ставкою і споживанням домогосподарств, викликаному нетиповим (з точки зору стандартної ектеоріі з підручника) спрацьовуванням "ефекту багатства" в умовах домінування депозитів як інструменту заощадження. на vox недавно опублікували цікаву статтю на цю тему, цитати і графіки з якої я б хотів привести:
[...] in the US and UK, there is an important asset-price channel, which, according to our estimated Japanese consumption function, is not just switched off in Japan, but even works in reverse. Using data going back to 1961 we find that real land prices have a negative effect on consumption in Japan , controlling for income, financial assets and debt, interest rates, and proxies for uncertainty and for income growth expectations . Thus, when real land prices rise, young households and other renters save more, partly because larger down-payments are then needed before a mortgage can be obtained and partly because future rents will be higher . This dominates the wealth effect for older households, which we believe is small partly because of the inheritance tax advantages in Japan of leaving housing assets to their children . [...]
Figure 1 illustrates the long-run effect on the ratio of consumption to non -property income of real land prices in Japan. This makes it clear that though the rise in land prices before 1990 lowered the consumption-to-income ratio, this was a relatively small effect. The research in Aron et al (forthcoming) shows that the comparable effects of house prices on the consumption -to-income ratio in the US and UK were positive and far larger and clearly linked to shifts in credit -market conditions.
Japanese households have among the highest asset-to-income ratios in the world, particularly for bank deposits. They may also be particularly cautious, so are more averse to fluctuations in consumption. Indeed, we find a very significant and robust positive real -interest-rate effect in our Japanese consumption function. Thus, the fall in short-term rates after +1993 had a negative direct effect on consumption spending in Japan . However, the later rise in real rates because of falling prices supported consumption . This contradicts the conventional Anglo-centric view that falling prices are a disaster for consumption . Figure 2 illustrates the sizable long-run effect of real interest rates on the consumption -to-income ratio in Japan. It suggests that the rise in real rates induced by price deflation after 1998 actually had a small positive effect on the consumption -to-income ratio.
При цьому:
It is important to emphasise that our research does not suggest that raising the policy rate will stimulate economic activity in Japan . Evidence from forecasting models for GDP in Japan show that reductions in nominal interest rates do have a positive effect on output at a one -year horizon. This is consistent with investment, and probably exports, responding in the conventional way to lower interest rates and the financial asset price changes they induce .
Така ось цікава конфігурація - монетарне посилення дестимулює інвестиції і побічно б'є по експорту, але стимулює споживання домогосподарств. Замість посилення або пригнічення економічної активності, отримуємо зміщення балансу між інвестиціями і споживанням в ту чи іншу сторону. Ось вже дійсно, Банку Японії не позаздриш.
До слова, практично ті ж речі спостерігаються, з поправкою на рівень розвитку, в іншому восточноазиатском гіганті - Китаї. У пості про ситуацію і перспективи світової економіки в найближчі декілька років, який я збираюся викласти на днях, цій темі буде приділено особливу увагу.